Monday, January 9, 2017

The Journey Begins

"If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win." Carl Lewis, 10-time Olympic medalist in track and field events

Today, I begin a new journey. It's one i've been on before, and failed; and restarted, and failed; and got motivated to do again, and failed... So I'm trying to break the cycle! Notice, this is not a New Year's resolution, as I am starting on the 9th of January, but I am setting goals today. I need a change. I'm tired of my health and weight being on a yoyo cy
cle. I want to achieve behavior change maintenance to the point that it is engrained into my nature. I need this blog to hold me accountable. I'm hoping that this form of accountability will help me achieve my fitness goals. Even if no one else reads it, I need to read it as see progress.

I'm going to use weekly measurements and weigh-ins to determine my progress; and stick to my 21 day fix eating plan. If I didn't stick to it, I have to report it.

Today's measurements:

  • Arms: right 11 in; left 11.25 in          Goal: 10 in
  • Waist: 34.25 in                                             29 in
  • Hips: 38.125 in                                            35 in
  • Thighs: right 24.125 in; left 24 in               20 in

Weigh-in: I think >150 (I need to buy a scale...)   Goal: 125 lbs

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