Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 9

"Repeat after me: I am stronger than this challenge, and this challenge is making me even stronger." Autumn Calabrese

So, today is a hard day. I'm beginning to get stressed with my school work. I have to complete all this paperwork for my practicum coming up and its a little overwhelming. Fortunately, this is week 1 of my courses and the work is not too too bad. But next week it kicks up a notch. So, i'm trying to keep my cool... AAAHHH!!! ok, get it out of your system Eliza.

Yesterday was the start of 2 21 day fix workouts a day. And today's was especially hard. But I KEPT MOVING!!!! Progress! I can feel that I'm getting smaller every time I put on my pants. There's a little more wiggle room in there, and I'm loving it!

Tonight I'm having dinner with friends, so I planned out my day to save all my carbs for tonight. That way I can stay on track with my eating plan while still enjoying the meal out. :)

I look at these photos and think, "Keep going! Your body will keep changing. Don't be content with the present. Achieve a healthier transformed body!" I'll keep moving and get closer every day. No quitting! 

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