Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 7

"Only dreams give birth to change" Sarah Ban Breathnach

After 4 whole days of being stuck on my couch with no energy for anything except Netflix, I am ready for a change. This morning, when I woke up, I was able to walk around the apartment without becoming overly winded. I took a shower at 10 instead of 4 in the afternoon. This terrible virus is dying and I am regaining my strength. To celebrate, I took my dogs on a walk today. I normally take them on 2 walks a day, but I had not been able to do that in over 5 days. I love feeling better!!!!

Now, it's 40 degrees in Lynchburg. To a normal Lynchburg-er that means light jacket. For me, post shower and in flu-recovery, that mean winter jacket. I got some weird looks, but I felt better. To paint a better picture, there were guys walking their dogs with just T-shirts on!!! So I looked very strange. Just goes to show, do what works for you and don't worry about other people judging you for how you look. 

I believe I can begin a modified work-out tomorrow, and I will continue on my diet plan (which I am getting more and more used to...) Tomorrow is also the day that school starts up again. So, I will need to begin some extra planning in order to succeed with all of this. 

My dad told me that life is a juggling act with glass balls and rubber balls. You win by figuring out which balls are glass and rubber. Complete the priorities now, and save the other things for later, as they will bounce right back up if you drop them. So, diet and exercise are a priority. They cannot fall!!! So I won't let them!

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