Friday, January 20, 2017

Day 12

"It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life, because that's going to happen. All that matters is that you gotta get up." Ben Affleck

Yesterday was a big day. I "graduated" from counseling. I have been going since June of last year for anxiety and depression, related to losing our first baby, and the stresses of being married in med school. It was a lot. That major loss was also what pushed me over the edge. I was fit before I lost the baby. Then, everything changed. When depression takes over, it hits you hard. I'm so thankful that I'm back on my feet again, pushing myself to get better, to be better than I was yesterday. I looked in the mirror, and I'm already noticing a difference. I mean, I'm starting to get definition in my arms again!!! It's slight, and I don't know if you will notice it, but I did, BIG TIME!

My arms are, and always have been the weakest part of my body. But they are moving and changing and I'm loving it!!! 

One thing I need to keep in mind: Don't focus on the way you look. Focus on how your feel and how your body is changing into a healthier version of your old self. I'm loving this new self, and I'll keep moving!!!

Fun fact, it was hard to me to find photos that were not blurry. So cool! I'm getting faster ya'll!!!


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