Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Day 3

The most important thing when ill is to never lose heart. 

Well, remember how I said I was feeling sick? Well, I definitely am. Feeling feverish, achy, tired, and completely congested, hacking up a lung every so often. This sucks! But, I'll do what I can. I need to stick to my eating plan and not try to make excuses like "Oh but I'm sick, I should eat whatever I want..." NO!!! I'm sick, therefore, I need to fuel my body to get better and feel more normal tomorrow.

It was hard watching my husband exercise today, while I have to lay down on the couch, unable to do much. But, I'm going to keep moving forward!!!!! Yesterday I was able to stick to my eating plan, so let's do it again today! I was even hanging out with friends, and was able to eat the celery instead of the chips, and stop after one serving. Progress!!!!

So, for today, I'll chill on my couch and take the sick day. Here's hoping and praying tomorrow is a better day!!!

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