Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 10

"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!" Autumn Calabrese

I was very proud of myself yesterday. I saved all my carbs for the evening when I went out to eat with my friends. It was so good to know that I had saved room in my eating plan for that special night, and that I could completely and utterly enjoy it to the fullest!!! And I did. It was awesome :)

Today was leg day. After the last 2 days of doing 2 workouts each day, today was definitely hard, but I pushed through to the end, sweating like a dog the whole time! But it felt great. I'm starting to get the endorphin high again from working out. My body is beginning to crave it. I just need to make that my craving instead of other things.

I'm actually looking forward to the weigh in and measurement next Monday. This weeks weigh in was a huge surprise since I had been sick. But these clothes keep feeling bigger and bigger, and I feel smaller and smaller. 

Also, funny side note, my face in so many of the pictures I took looked absolutely awful, so I don't post them. Like super awful double chin grunting photos. I am not attractive while I am working out, for sure!! Glad I'm not one of the people on those videos!


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