Thursday, January 26, 2017

Day 17

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." Walt Disney

I had Church worship team practice this morning. It went well, and playing drums involves your whole body; but by the time I got back, I really needed to get to my homework. So, I waited to exercise once Steve got home. The first workout went fine. The second one felt so hard!!! It was Dirty 30 and Leg Fix day.

During the second workout, I was sweating so much, by face was starting to burn from the salt! It amazing how getting a good sweat on can feel so good nowadays. Before, I didn't like to sweat, but now it's a sign of all the progress I'm making and the hard work I'm doing. Now, I still don't like the burn, but maybe someday I'll like that too! :)

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