Thursday, January 26, 2017

Day 18

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." Jim Rohn

Today was a good workout day, despite it being a horrible study day. I really need to take this exam for my nursing Master's course. But each day has its own set of things that gets in the way of my studies. And then I feel like I'm not being there for my friends cause I need to be there for myself and my studies and my husband and there's not much else left... but, I worked out so at least tone thing's ok ;)

Right now, it's feeling hard for me to distinguish the glass from the rubber and I just need everything to clear out so that I can just do what needs to be done and not stress. So, let's try this again tomorrow, and keep taking it one day at a time. 

Day 17

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." Walt Disney

I had Church worship team practice this morning. It went well, and playing drums involves your whole body; but by the time I got back, I really needed to get to my homework. So, I waited to exercise once Steve got home. The first workout went fine. The second one felt so hard!!! It was Dirty 30 and Leg Fix day.

During the second workout, I was sweating so much, by face was starting to burn from the salt! It amazing how getting a good sweat on can feel so good nowadays. Before, I didn't like to sweat, but now it's a sign of all the progress I'm making and the hard work I'm doing. Now, I still don't like the burn, but maybe someday I'll like that too! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Day 16

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest 'til your good is better and your better is best." St. Jerome

Today, I had the wonderful pleasure of working out with my favorite person, my husband Steve. It's always better when we get to work out together, push each other, encourage each other. My husband is not a man of many words, but he told me today that I look leaner and skinnier! AAAHHH YAY!!!

I was able to hold myself for each plank, and do the hard bonus exercise on the cardio fix in a full plank position, and not on my knees! Moving forward is such an amazing feeling!

I've even started healthier habits. My breakfast consists of a vegetable as well as the regular eggs. It's such a great way to start the day with a hard to tolerate vegetable.

My metabolism has increased as well, and I'm hungry more often, which brings its own set of challenges. Ensuring that I choose good meals that are better for me in the long run is difficult, but I'll keep trying. It's great to have Steve on a similar journey. When one of us wants to cave, the other holds us accountable. So long as we don't want to cave at the same time, we are golden! 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Days 14+15

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."St. Francis of Assisi

So, yesterday I was experiencing extreme pain in the back of my neck and shoulders. It was awful. I asked my husband to massage it and stretch it out several times. I had too many knots to count! So, my only exercise yesterday was playing drums at my church. The rest of the day I was alternating between hot and cold packs to try to help with the pain.

This morning, I woke up to the pain still there. It took some effort to get out of the bed due to the pain. Very, very sore...

So, today I decided I still need to work out. I'll just modify anything to do with my neck (crunches) and shoulder work. So I went with lighter weights to ensure that I wouldn't push myself too far.

This is also the start of my second week of 21 day fix doubles workouts. It's going super well, and really pushing me to reach my goals. I have this week and next week to go! 

Today was also weigh in day!!! YAY!!! Since I started this program, I have lost 5.8lbs and 10.25 in!!!! So good!

Weight: 149.6 lbs (LESS THAN 150 ALREADY)

Arms: right: 10.875 in, left: 11 in

Waist: 30.375 in (I couldn't remember for the life of me which part of my waist i had been measuring, so I hope that's right. I put on a chart where to do all my measurements so I won't be confused from now on) 

Hips: 33 in

Thighs: right: 23.675 in; left: 23.675

Here's to losing weight and feeling great!!! Something weird that I've been experiencing lately: I'm actually craving salads! Who knew that could happen! I love it! 

Keep moving, and keep pushing forward! <3 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Day 13

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." Christopher Reeve

Today was a great workout day! I got to sweat a ton with my hubby Steve by my side! It is so much more fun to work out with a partner. I wore my new pants that I got for Christmas and there is so much extra space in the legs and butt!!! I'm so excited with this progress. I still don't look the way I want, BUT I feel amazing! One of my friends said that I look radiant. :)

So, like always, I'm going to keep moving and keep pressing on! Even looking at these pictures I can see that my butt is getting smaller, and that's a huge accomplishment in itself. My arms are more toned. We can do this! Just keep going! 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Day 12

"It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life, because that's going to happen. All that matters is that you gotta get up." Ben Affleck

Yesterday was a big day. I "graduated" from counseling. I have been going since June of last year for anxiety and depression, related to losing our first baby, and the stresses of being married in med school. It was a lot. That major loss was also what pushed me over the edge. I was fit before I lost the baby. Then, everything changed. When depression takes over, it hits you hard. I'm so thankful that I'm back on my feet again, pushing myself to get better, to be better than I was yesterday. I looked in the mirror, and I'm already noticing a difference. I mean, I'm starting to get definition in my arms again!!! It's slight, and I don't know if you will notice it, but I did, BIG TIME!

My arms are, and always have been the weakest part of my body. But they are moving and changing and I'm loving it!!! 

One thing I need to keep in mind: Don't focus on the way you look. Focus on how your feel and how your body is changing into a healthier version of your old self. I'm loving this new self, and I'll keep moving!!!

Fun fact, it was hard to me to find photos that were not blurry. So cool! I'm getting faster ya'll!!!


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 11

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." Og Mandino

Today was rough. I had to drive an hour away for a test related to my Master's work. So I left the house at 7:20, and returned at 9:40. Then, it was time to work out. I was so tired from the drive, and yet, I had to workout. I tried to keep going despite the way I felt, but it was not easy. Still, I DID IT!!!

Life can give you a lot of lemons. It's hard to make the effort to turn them into lemonade. I'm seeing that more and more. But, the more you make that effort, the greater the reward in the end. Run for the prize!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 10

"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!" Autumn Calabrese

I was very proud of myself yesterday. I saved all my carbs for the evening when I went out to eat with my friends. It was so good to know that I had saved room in my eating plan for that special night, and that I could completely and utterly enjoy it to the fullest!!! And I did. It was awesome :)

Today was leg day. After the last 2 days of doing 2 workouts each day, today was definitely hard, but I pushed through to the end, sweating like a dog the whole time! But it felt great. I'm starting to get the endorphin high again from working out. My body is beginning to crave it. I just need to make that my craving instead of other things.

I'm actually looking forward to the weigh in and measurement next Monday. This weeks weigh in was a huge surprise since I had been sick. But these clothes keep feeling bigger and bigger, and I feel smaller and smaller. 

Also, funny side note, my face in so many of the pictures I took looked absolutely awful, so I don't post them. Like super awful double chin grunting photos. I am not attractive while I am working out, for sure!! Glad I'm not one of the people on those videos!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 9

"Repeat after me: I am stronger than this challenge, and this challenge is making me even stronger." Autumn Calabrese

So, today is a hard day. I'm beginning to get stressed with my school work. I have to complete all this paperwork for my practicum coming up and its a little overwhelming. Fortunately, this is week 1 of my courses and the work is not too too bad. But next week it kicks up a notch. So, i'm trying to keep my cool... AAAHHH!!! ok, get it out of your system Eliza.

Yesterday was the start of 2 21 day fix workouts a day. And today's was especially hard. But I KEPT MOVING!!!! Progress! I can feel that I'm getting smaller every time I put on my pants. There's a little more wiggle room in there, and I'm loving it!

Tonight I'm having dinner with friends, so I planned out my day to save all my carbs for tonight. That way I can stay on track with my eating plan while still enjoying the meal out. :)

I look at these photos and think, "Keep going! Your body will keep changing. Don't be content with the present. Achieve a healthier transformed body!" I'll keep moving and get closer every day. No quitting!